“RHS JHS Color Converter” performs mutual conversion between the RHS color chart and the JHS color chart.
The android app “RHS JHS Color Converter” is an app that “searches for an approximate JHS color codes from the RHS color chart code” or “searches for an approximate RHS color codes from the JHS color chart code”.
RHS Color chart
The RHS color chart (the Royal Horticultural Society’s Colour Chart) is a color standard used to identify the colors of plants such as flowers and leaves. The RHS color chart is used all over the world.
The Munsell color system is a well-known general-purpose color standard. While the Munsell color system distributes the color space relatively evenly, in the RHS color chart, the colors that tend to occur in flowers and leaves are densely distributed, and the others are sparsely distributed.
In the RHS color chart, the codes are represented as “4-D”, and these codes are grouped. The code “4-D” belongs to “YELLOW GROUP”.
* RHS color chart supported by “RHS JHS Color Converter”: the fourth edition of the Royal Horticultural Society’s Colour Chart
JHS Color chart
The JHS color chart is a popular name for the “Japanese Horticultural Plant Standard Color Chart” edited by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan. Like the RHS color chart, the JHS color chart is a color standard used to identify the colors of plants such as flowers and leaves. It is mainly used in Japan.
In the JHS color chart, the codes are represented as “0105”, for example, and these codes are grouped. Code “0105” belongs to the “1R” group. In “RHS JHS Color Converter”, the group name is displayed with the number of the bundle of color sheets such as “1-1R”.
* JHS color chart supported by “RHS JHS Color Converter”: the second edition of the Japanese Horticultural Plant Standard Color Chart(日本園芸植物標準色票 農林水産省編 第2刷)
android app “RHS JHS Color Converter”

“RHS JHS Color Converter” is an app that “searches for a JHS color code from the code of the RHS colour chart” or “searches for a RHS colour code from the code of the JHS color chart”.
※ This app cannot be used as a substitute for the RHS color chart and JHS color chart. The colors displayed in the app corresponding to the color code vary greatly depending on the characteristics of the display and settings. Even if the model is the same and the settings are the same, it will be different for each device. These colors are displayed for intuitive understanding of the degree of approximation of the code.
How to use the android app “RHS JHS Color Converter”
【JHS search from RHS】

To “Search for an approximate JHS color code from the code in the RHS color chart”, tap the “RHS → JHS” button.

Select a code from the RHS code table on the left to display the approximate JHS color code on the right.
Multiple JHS color codes are searched, and they are displayed in ascending order of color difference. Next to the code, the difference from the color of the RHS code is added in the form of “Δ: 1.12”.
【RHS search from JHS】

To “Search for an approximate RHS color code from the code in the JHS color chart”, tap the “JHS → RHS” button.

Select a code from the JHS code table on the left to display the approximate RHS color code on the right.
Multiple RHS color codes are searched, and they are displayed in ascending order of color difference. Next to the code, the difference from the color of the JHS code is added in the form of “Δ: 1.12”.

Jump to the top row.

Scroll up about 100 rows.

Scroll down about 100 rows.

Jump to the last row.
【Change the number of searches】
The number of RHS searches and the number of JHS searches are changed separately.

Increase the number of searches by one.

Reduce the number of searches by one.
【Sharing search results】
Share the search results in CSV format text.

Save the CSV file of the search results.
Filename example:rhs19-D_5jhs.csv (Search for 5 JHS codes close to RHS code 19-D)
File content example:(RHS code, RHS group, Degree of color difference, JHS code, JHS group)

Email the CSV text of the search results.